Share your stories and insights in Life Afloat!
We’d love to include your stories, insights and information about living aboard on the West Coast of BC! Here’s an incomplete list of possible topics: boat/float home maintenance tips; favourite equipment (technical, navigational, cooking, entertainment, etc.); galley-wise recipes; recommendations for liveaboard-friendly marinas and businesses; your favourite cruising areas and anchorages; why you became a liveaboard; what qualities/assets you looked for when searching for your liveaboard boat or float home; your biggest liveaboard challenges and how you’ve resolved them (lessons learned); local issues and issues’ resolution (e.g., marina restrictions; anchoring restrictions, relations with land-based neighbours); etc. etc.
Email your articles and photos as separate attachments to the editors at Following the guidelines for text and photos (described below) will make the editorial team’s job easier. Thanks!
Text Guidelines:
- Please do not format your story. Simple text in Word is easiest to edit. That means: single-spaced; no indentations at the beginning of paragraphs; no hard returns, except at the end of a paragraph; and no fancy word art.
- Please include a short ‘bio’: your name (and partner’s name, if applicable); boat name and type (e.g., Ballerina, Canoe Cove 41; Tap Dancer, Beneteau 33; Home Sweet Home, float home); your home port; and how long you’ve lived aboard (full or part time). We’d also appreciate an author photo!
Photo Guidelines:
Photographs enhance stories and provide detail in technical articles. We like photos!
- Featured image (the ‘cover’ photo for the article) should be in a 4:3 ratio ? ideally 1200×900 pixels ? and minimum 800×600.
- Author images should be square, ideally 600×600, and minimum 400×400 pixels.
- Images within the article should be square or landscape format, not portrait, and a minimum 800 pixel width.
- Jpeg (.jpg or .jpeg) is the preferred format for all photo submissions.
- NEW: Please insert your images where you want them to be in the article.
- NEW: Please include a brief, descriptive caption under each image (who, what, where, when). For example: