If you’re a member with wordpress experience and want to help us keep the website up to date, contact us! In the meantime please refer to our facebook group to keep up to date and be involved in dialogue. The Facebook GROUP (which can be found through the facebook page) is primarily for BCNRA members only – simply request to join. It is available here……https://www.facebook.com/groups/472937451040281
Category Archives: Member Announcements
New Boaters Exchange
If you’re wondering what to do this weekend, check out the new and improved Boater Exchange. A portion of all proceeds support the Maritime Museum of BC.

To-o-o-o Great Expectations?
(with apologies to Charles Dickens)
BCNRA is run by a small group of volunteers who also have to deal with the challenges of life. We choose to reach out to help other liveaboards who deal with conflicts similar to our own, and try to reach out as far as we can with our own experiences. We cannot be all things to all liveaboards, being limited by our own time and resources.
How can you help make our Association even better, able to serve the needs of liveaboards in your area? One way is to sign up to be a correspondent for Life Afloat! What’s happening in your community? What are the local marine businesses that you recommend?
Other ways to support the Association are:
- Participate in events (BCNR rendezvous this summer, anyone??)
- Help with projects such as staffing the BCNR table at the annual Ogden Point marine garage sale.
- Serve on the Board of Directors; the Association benefits when new directors bring their experience, skills, knowledge, and ideas to the ‘table’. Directors can live anywhere, thanks to online meeting platforms.
IMPORTANT CHANGE: 2020 Annual General Meeting
This is to inform you that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the BC Nautical Residents Association will take place Saturday, April 18th, 1:00 p.m. as an online meeting only. The online AGM will satisfy the reporting requirements of the Registrar of Societies, while keeping our members safe from COVID-19. Please note that this meeting is not for general discussion but to complete specific agenda items within a 40-minute timeframe.
We ask you to please RSVP by Saturday, April 4th (via responding to our broadcast email or through our contact form) so that we’ll know how many members to expect. Once we have received your RSVP, I’ll send you the link to the Zoom meeting.
If you haven’t used Zoom before, you’ll need to download the app to your device. https://zoom.us/support/download. I encourage you to take a Zoom tutorial before April 18th.
A new Board of Directors (5 – 7 members) will be elected at the AGM. If you are interested in serving, please be prepared to self-nominate at the meeting. All board candidates will be asked to briefly introduce yourself, where you’re from, and why you’re interested in running for the BCNR Board of Directors. Please note that directors are expected to serve as the eyes and ears of their area, e.g., Gulf Islands, and attend directors’ bi-monthly meetings in-person or online. Please review the Directors Code of Conduct and Ethics to better understand the commitment and responsibility required.
An email has been sent out with PDF and Word copies of the agenda for the meeting, the minutes of the 2019 AGM, and the proxy form.
Again, please RSVP by April 4th, thank you. Looking forward to seeing you at the BCNR online-AGM!
Donna Sassaman
Recording Secretary
Cancelled: Head Up The Creek Rowing Regatta
Due to cold weather concerns this event has been cancelled.
Community Notice: Head Up The Creek Rowing Regatta
Head Up The Creek Rowing Regatta
Sunday March 15th, 2020
Rowing shells will be active on the Creek from 8:30 am until 12:15 pm.
The course is within the navigation channel and we have obtained our permits from Transport Canada and the City of Vancouver.
The start of the race is just off the Spruce Harbour Marina: rowers race to Science World, turn while racing and then continue rowing to the finish off the Vanier Park boat launch ramps.
Thank you for keeping the channel clear for rowing boats, and other vessels that day.
There is a map here of the course:
Winter 2020 Life Afloat now available!
The newest edition of Life Afloat is now available! Read it Here and look at past editions!
Welcome to Life Afloat
The brand new official publication of the BC Nautical Residents Association is now available! Please check out the 2019 Summer edition of Life Afloat here:
2019 Annual General Meeting
March 31, 2019
Dear Member:
This is to inform you that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the BC Nautical Residents Association will take place Sunday, April 14th, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. We are trying something different for this year’s AGM, given that our membership is scattered along the BC coast. We’re going to hold our meeting online as well as in person!
We ask you to please RSVP by Saturday, April 6th, and indicate whether you will attend in person or online. Once we know how many members will attend in person, we’ll have the room set up accordingly.
Once we know how many members plan to attend online, we will set up the appropriate online platform. You’ll be notified well in advance of the AGM regarding how to log in to the meeting.
If you opt to attend in person, the meeting will be at the Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt (Naden), Nelles Block conference room. You’ll need to show government-issued photo ID (passport, driver’s licence, health card) at the gate. Nelles is the white apartment block at the top of the hill as you enter the base.
A new Board of Directors (5 – 7 members) will be elected at the AGM. If you are interested in serving, please be prepared to self-nominate at the meeting. All board candidates will be asked to briefly introduce yourself, where you’re from, and why you’re interested in running for the BCNR Board of Directors.
Attached are PDF and Word copies of the agenda for the meeting, the minutes of the 2017 AGM, and the proxy form. If you don’t have Adobe Reader, here is a link to a free version – just follow the prompts: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader.html. If you are unable to attend at all, please complete, scan, and return your proxy form to me at donna_sassaman@bcnr.org. Thank you!
Looking forward to seeing you at the BCNR online-and-in-person AGM!
Donna Sassaman
Recording Secretary
Opportunity to Comment on Central Saanich’s application for Brentwood Bay Licence of Occupation
The following link individuals an opportunity to write to the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development in regards to the District of Central Saanich’s application for a Licence of Occupation for a portion of Brentwood Bay.
For more information: